Avaluem el desenvolupament prenatal del cervell de la forma més detallada possible per poder seleccionar els millors marcadors i així identificar nadons amb major risc de patir alteracions neurològiques.
La línia de Neurodesenvolupament fetal treballa en els següents projectes
- Multicenter prospective clinical study to evaluate children short-term neurodevelopmental outcome in congenital heart disease (children NEURO-HEART): study protocol.
Ribera I, Ruiz A, Sánchez O, Eixarch E, Antolín E, Gómez-Montes E, Pérez-Cruz M, Cruz-Lemini M, Sanz-Cortés M, Arévalo S, Ferrer Q, Vázquez E, Vega L, Dolader P, Montoliu A, Boix H, Simões RV, Masoller N, Sánchez-de-Toledo J, Comas M, Bartha JM, Galindo A, Martínez JM, Gómez-Roig L, Crispi F, Gómez O, Carreras E, Cabero L, Gratacós E, Llurba E. BMC Pediatr 2019
- Global and Regional Changes in Cortical Development Assessed by MRI in Fetuses with Isolated Nonsevere Ventriculomegaly Correlate with Neonatal Neurobehavior.
Hahner N, Benkarim OM, Aertsen M, Perez-Cruz M, Piella G, Sanroma G, Bargallo N, Deprest J, Gonzalez Ballester MA, Gratacos E, Eixarch E. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2019
- Blood parameters in fetuses infected with cytomegalovirus according to the severity of brain damage and trimester of pregnancy at cordocentesis.
Hawkins-Villarreal A, Moreno-Espinosa AL, Eixarch E, Marcos MA, Martinez-Portilla RJ, Salazar L, Garcia-Otero L, Lopez M, Borrell A, Figueras F, Goncé A. J Clin Virol 2019
- Fetal cortical surface atlas parcellation based on growth patterns.
Xia J, Wang F, Benkarim OM, Sanroma G, Piella G, González Ballester MA, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Zhang C, Shen D, Li G. Hum Brain Mapp 2019