Who we are

BCNatal Fetal Medicine Research Center is an internationally recognized university and multidisciplinary research center in fetal and perinatal medicine, linked to BCNatal (Hospital Clínic and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona) and the University of Barcelona.


The main mission of the center is to identify methods of early diagnosis and treatment of diseases of prenatal origin that have an impact on childhood and adult life. In this way, we can reduce the prevalence and severity of certain ailments in adults, especially those related to neurological, cardiovascular and pulmonary consequences of prenatal origin.


To demonstrate and characterize the profound impact that fetal life has on children and their future health, we identify the fetus as a patient. Thus we can approach the same problem from different perspectives to overcome it in an efficient and innovative way. This way of working allows us to integrate prenatal and postnatal care through the Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Neonatology services.


We have different research projects underway. An intervention study in humans that aims to improve the prognosis of fetal growth restriction. Another relevant one is the development of new fetal surgeries, which will radically change the future prospects of fetuses that are in between life and death. We are making progress in creating new biomarkers that will detect fetuses at risk.

A team of excellence

We are a multidisciplinary team made up of more than 100 professionals. Among them, doctors specialized in fetal medicine, cardiology, neurodevelopment and reproductive medicine, as well as biologists, pharmacists, bioengineers, epidemiologists and statisticians.

Facilities and services

With more than 750m2 dedicated to research and more than 100 professionals, we have dedicated teams that offer research support internally and we outsource some of their services.


Animal model

Patient follow-up

AI & Medical Imaging

Our history

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