
The IMPACT BCN project is a clinical trial that, through improving maternal well-being during pregnancy with non-pharmacological interventions, aims to improve long-term and perinatal outcomes. Can we really change the health of the fetus through style of the mother’s life? Can we, through nutritional guidelines and supplements of the Mediterranean diet and Mindfulness techniques that reduce maternal stress, improve maternal well-being and, thus, improve pregnancy and fetal health?

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I Accept

IMPACT BCN evaluates the impact of two non-pharmacological interventions (nutritional improvement through the Mediterranean diet and stress reduction through mindfulness techniques) in reducing the prevalence of pregnancies with restricted intrauterine growth, in the decrease of some obstetric complications, as well as in the improvement of neurodevelopment and cardiovascular profile of children.

February 2017 to  october 2019: recruitment of 1218 participants

March 2020:  last deliveries

December 2020:  first results

“Improving emotional well-being and nutrition during pregnancy can help us improve the health of pregnant women and their future children”

Innovation & Impact

Started in early 2017, the IMPACT BCN results will show whether a change in a pregnant woman’s lifestyle (to improve nutrition and reduce stress) can improve fetal and child health. With IMPACT BCN we hope to improve fetal growth, reduce pregnancy complications and improve neurodevelopment and the cardiovascular health of fetuses and future children.


Eduard Gratacós
Principal Investigator

Fátima Crispi
Principal Investigator

Francesca Crovetto
Principal Investigator

Cristina Paules
Postdoctoral Researcher

Ángela Arranz
Postdoctoral Researcher

Elisenda Eixarch IP

Elisenda Eixarch
Postdoctoral Researcher

Ramón Estruch
Postdoctoral Researcher

Andrés Martin
Postdoctoral Researcher

M.Teresa Oller

Laura Segalés
Lab technician

Marta Dacal
Lab technician

Rosa Casas
Postdoctoral Researcher

Tania Freitas

Carlos Galante

Marina Sadurni

Rui Simoes
Postdoctoral Researcher

Miriam Osorio
Coordinator of the biobank of biological samples

Giulia Casu
Fellow pre-doctoral

Kilian Vellvè
Fellow pre-doctoral

Ayako Nakaki
Fellow pre-doctoral

Marta Larroya
Resident doctor

Marta Camacho
Residente doctor

Marta García


  • IDIBAPS: Eduard Vieta, Anabel Martinez-Aràn, Ivette Morilla, Monica Domenech, Sara Castro, Roger Borras, Ferran Torres, Gema Domènech.
  • ESMindfulness: Amaia Helguera, Georgina Badosa, Elvira Reche.
  • IMIM: Óscar Pozo, José Rodríguez, Mitona Pujades.
  • IATA-CSIC: Mari Carmen Collado.
  • Other collaborators: Rosa Mª Lamuela, Anna Tresserra, José Fernando Rinaldi.


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